Rules for enjoying walks while preventing infection

Daisuke Sonoda
2 min readMay 6, 2020



To prevent infection with COVID-19, it’s important to stay home. However, not being able to change your mood is not good for your mental health.
So, I consider the rules for enjoying a walk without getting infected.

Rule 1: Have basic preventive measures against infection.

Don’t go to places where people gather.
Don’t go to places where the air conditioning is poor.
Don’t talk to people face-to-face.
Wear a mask and gloves.

Rule 2: Keep a social distance of 10m.

People who are running may be spreading a lot of virus because they are breathing hard. Therefore, you have to keep a greater distance.

Rule 3: Don’t touch a thing.

Because we don’t know where the virus is attached, don’t touch a thing when you are outside.

Rule 4: Don’t do shopping.

When you shop, you’ll touch the money and products and talk to the shop staff. These should be avoided. The best thing to do is to go for a walk without having any money.

Rule 5: Don’t go to a public restroom.

Public restrooms are dangerous places where the risk of infection is quite high. If an infected person washes their hands, virus-laden droplets are splashed all over the toilet. There is also a danger of unintentionally touching various parts of the restroom.


I have been enjoying walking with all of the above rules. Because there are a lot of people out there during the day, I go for a walk in the evening and night hours. If I am likely to pass someone on the street, I turn around. I would recommend to walk around spontaneously instead of sticking to the path. Seeing a store or place for the first time is very stimulating.
It will be a fun time in the time of hardship.

